Well...I reckon I was sicker than I thought.
Little darkish humor there. An inside joke you might say. Really. I'm smiling right now.
Okay, I realize no one new to this blog would get it without reading some backstory here (re: archives). All I can say is I can't guarantee it is funny enough to read my archives, and if you do you may disagree about the funny factor of sickness, but if you do (disagree) the yoke is on you. :^)
Then again, some of you new guys reading this blog may still not get it. Well, perhaps you weren't put on this earth to get it (another paraphrased inside joke that Big Trouble In Little China afishyendos will appreciate).
And no, I'm not gonna explain it (Hint: it was a Lopan line).
Man. I really miss villains like Lopan. Most villains nowdays are so boring and flat.
Lopan had style and substance...after he married the two green-eyed ladies and drank some blood from one of them that is.
My point is, he is memorable. Everyone appreciates a good villain. The problem with todays villains (and heroes, for that matter) is they are almost all cliches or cardboard cutouts.
But I diegrasp (little gallows humor there).
It might seem strange (might?) that I'm taking this tack on Easter but there is a good (maybe not necessarily good, per se, at least not in a literal sense) reason for it (500 free One Cosmos At Sea credits to the first one who guesses the right answer...to, um, use in my online store!...after I build one...and stock it).
You know, I had some videos linked in here for you guys to watch that sort of helps fill in some blanks (and live ammo also).
However, it's not showing and I have no idea why. Almost no idea (blog...er. Cough. Sucks. Cough).
Anyhow...if it doesn't appear later or if it does, Happy Easter and Happy Passover!
The Lord is risen and an empty tomb bears witness!
Blessed be the name of our God!
I'm truly blessed and thankful to Him for what he has done for me (and for the deviled eggs)!
Um, you did send the deviled eggs, didn't you Lord? Just kidding (but You know that).
Ha ha. I'm glad we can laugh about it.
Okay, I finally figured out what I did wrong, so without further delay I'll return you to the previously scheduled programming. Reprogramming actually.
Hope you like these as much as I do. :^)
Incidently, these vids may give you a clue as to where I have been lately.
Is there a reason why these guys ain't as well known as the Eagles or Lynyrd Skynyrd? I sure can't think of one.
Exiting 'Economic Thinking' and re-entering into the Reality of what is
real and true
*Exiting 'Economic Thinking' and re-entering into the Reality of what is
real and true*
Part 21 of 22, from Exiting the Wizard's Circle of Economics
So what...
1 hour ago