Turn around, look what's happened one more time
Somethin's wrong, I can't find a reason or a rhyme
But if you find out, don't try to tell me cause I can't feel anything at all
Sun lights you, ya gotta shine on through so I can have it all
If you find, lots of other reasons to keep me near
Don't tell me, I think I've had it all way up to here
Yeah but if ya find out, don't try to tell me cause I can't feel anything at all
Sun lights you, ya gotta shine on through so I can have it all
But I...
Got to find a reason, to feel the way I do
I'm gettin' kinda tired of pleasin' them, but I want you here beside me yes I do
So turn around, and take a good long look at what they're tryin' to do to me
No matter how hard I look you know I just can't seem to see... but ya know I
Got to find a reason, to feel the way I do
I'm gettin' kinda tired of pleasin' them, but I want you here beside me yes I do
Angel #9
Pure Prairie League
Thankfully, there's no expiration date for good music. :^)
General Milley Cover-Up
Kash Patel Kash Must Return the FBI to Legitimate Law Enforcement Judicial
Watch Sues Pentagon for Records on Milley Jan 6 Calls Trump Slashes Illegal
1 hour ago
Hi guys!
Hi Ben!
You can tell we're old. We know who the PPL is.
Hope everything's been going well.
Hiya Ben!
Hi Don!
I owe you an e-mail. Just as soon as I get more e-stamps I'll send more yer way. :^)
Hi Mushroom!
I actually feel sorry for anyone who hasn't heard PPL. Well, except for bad guys. They don't deserve good music. That's what rap is for, lol.
Been better but been much worse. Mostly just lack of energy which is worse than pain in many ways, I think.
Hiya Rick!
Good to see ya buddy! :^)
Since I’ve been banned from OneCosmos, here are my answers to your comments found there:
I dunno, such high-fallutin' intentions and meant tos are usually lost on us simple folk. We tend to place value in good actions.
Okay, now would be a good time to provide that new perspective you were talkin' about.
My intention at OneCosmos was primarily to warn other good people of the existence of camouflaged evil, and not to change any political system.
Now, with lesson learned, my only intention here is to learn from others actions. My story:
I was once a hard working, reliable and honest aerospace engineer. A former coworker “friend” turned enemy when I would not do political dirty work for him. I was able to deflect his character attacks on me by keeping my head down and remaining productive. While doing what is known as a “retabulation exercise” (recertifying existing modification designs for customer reuse) I discovered a safely problem which had gone unnoticed. A former mentor of mine (a well liked and respected Christian conservative entrepreneur BTW) had died with his family on Flight 261 because of a design flaw. So I went to my friend, a DER, for advice on my situation. Sadly for me, I was naïve to the fact that he is bound by law to report any known defects, and an AD was issued and 6 in-service aircraft were grounded, at great expense to the companies which owned them. My enemy used this situation to paste me with the label “troublemaking whistleblower”. When business turned I was in the first wave of layoffs. Then I found that my career had been laid waste. In trying to do the right thing, the local movers and shakers in the industry were made to become afraid of me. My enemy won. He eventually was able to do the same thing to the boss and take his job.
I fully realize this is my own situation. But I really wish to warn people that integrity of action and hard work, in a free society, is not enough. One must be socially skilled as well.
Do you have any inspirational stories here on this blog where the underdog to power wins out in the end?
I greatly appreciate you reading this.
That may be one of your intentions, but based on your past comments I don't think you're being entirely honest with me or yourself.
However, against my better judgement I'll give you a pass on that in the hope that a part of you is sincerely reaching out.
Raccoons are well aware of camoflaged evils I can assure you. But that's not what we spend most of our time focusing on.
I'm glad to hear you did the right thing and my condolences for your friend.
There are people out there that do everything they can to destroy honest, hardworking co-workers.
Sometimes they manage to do what your co-worker did to you...or worse.
However, he didn't win, you did.
Because you did the right thing.
I know it appears as if he won but ultimately he lost.
Despite what happened to you, good can come out of it.
Good can come out of any injustice, bad situation or tragedy.
But it won't come if there's any bitterness or envy in your heart.
It starts with bein' thankful for what you have and listening to wise guys n' gals.
I speak from experience here.
Sadly, the bulk of my blog dissappeared a few years ago, but you may find my 2008 archives inspirational.
Death was that close, and imminent.
That may be one of your intentions, but based on your past comments I don't think you're being entirely honest with me or yourself.
In that bit about making more money with slaves than robots... I was playing devils advocate. The point I was heading towards was that sociopaths have no ideology other than that of material self. They are anti-spiritual in every possible Christian sense – pure materialists. But I was attacked as a Marxist and never got to the point. And I’m still a Lutheran even though Martin Luther kinda went bonkers at the end. IMO his left-brain got the best of him - a danger for the spiritual thinker.
I’m actually a fiscal and moral conservative, a civil libertarian, prefer big military but see that as a leftist/statist thing. I also have high respect for rule of law, but I might shoot first and ask questions later if I catch somebody violating my property. I respect moderation – not the wishy washy apathetic moderation but the view from moderation. I would also greatly prefer a world where the USA dominates, rather than the EU, China or worse.
bitterness or envy
I’m working hard to replace these things with personal strength and vindication without becoming “one of them”. Not easy. I still struggle when I witness scapegoating, though.
but you may find my 2008 archives inspirational. Death was that close, and imminent.
Thanks for offering. I’ll check em out.
I won’t take up more of your time or bandwidth. And I definitely will not play devils advocate or try to instigate debates on “fellowship blogs” anymore.
Ben, Isn't that the truth! I find it very telling that so much great music was produces so long ago and so little good music is being pumped out of the bland-music machine of today.
Hi Andrew!
Aye! It has gone from a torrent to a trickle.
Even country/country rock has suffered, with a few notable exceptions of course.
Great stuff from you, man. Ive read your stuff before and you're just too awesome. I love what you're got here, love what you're saying and the way you say it. You make it entertaining and you still manage to keep it smart. I cant wait to read more from you. This is really a great blog.
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