One Cosmos At Sea
The Seafaring Mythadventures Of Ben, USN (Ret) Circumnavigazing The Show Waters Of The O, Who Distill's The Good Stuff Into All The k Eye Can Drink. Sea Stories With A Capital See, Under-Way Replenishment, Over The Horizon Targetting, Seecurity, Dead Reckoning, Life Beckoning, Anchored In Truth, Plotting Enemy Positions, MindSweeping, Naval GodFire Support, Aye-ing The LightHouse, And Cosmonautical Formations.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: on Nov. 6th, 2012, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will win in a landslide.
The RNC convention, the best one since Reagan's, merely confirmed it. There's definitely a huge shift going on in the GOP and real conservatives are beginning to take back Congress and the Senate!
It'ss take some time but we can turn this country around and get back to our Founding principles.
And let's not forget Gov. Scott Walker's win in Wisconsin, which is a win for the folks of WI! And a huge win for conservatives everywhere! God, Gov. Walker has a huge set of cajones doesn't he? Republicans, take note!
And let's not forget the rise of the Tea Party in 2010!
All of this pushback against leftism and fascism of Obama and the democrat party is a win for our individual liberties.
It's a pushback against lawlessness, political correctness, cronyism, corruption, fraud, waste, injustice in the Justice Dept., and a foreign policy that greatly strengthens Russia, China and terrorist states as well as radical Islamists throughout the middle east.
It's also a pushback against stabbing our Allies in the back and treating them poorly.
It's a renunciation of all of these thigs and more, such as the nat'l security leaks by Obama and his Administration. Leaks that have severely damaged our war against Islamic terrorists.
Leaks that have dealt a devastating blow to our human intelligence networks.
Leaks that have put the lives of our Special Operations guys, CIA operatives, and local informants that want to help in serious risk.
The Pakistani doctor who helped us find Bin Laden? He's serving 30 years in a Pakistani prison, no doubt tortured, because Obama wanted to get him some personal glory and look cool to his celebrity pals...oh, and make a movie that makes him look good.
Think that movie will mention the consequences of Obama's security leaks? Leaks that made all the intelligence our SEAL's gathered useless? Leaks that gave Al Qaeda and other terrorists time to get away before our military could track them down?
No. I don't think so. But if it does, I'll gladly apologize to Katheryn Bigelow and her crew for putting America's security ahead of her friendship to Obama.
Anyways, I look forward to seeing America give Obama and his idiot clan a pink slip on election day!
Let's celebrate a bit shall we?
And in honor of Clint Eastwood, I salute you Sir!
No, the Raccoon way of the masked pandit is "trans-academic," "trans-scholarly," and "trans-ambitious," meaning that it admittedly comes up short in these overrated qualities. However, our loose canon tries to compensate with other virtues, such as freshness, spontaneity, metaphysical comedy, jehovial witticisms, cheery optimysticism, freevangelical pundamentalism, comparative nonsense, coonical pslackology, fine insultainment, off-road spiritual adventures, speaking in Tongan (or ad homina homina homina) and all the rest of our Oly Slackraments.
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immanent act I bring forth, however, is not a terminus of the action of the
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American politics in the twentieth century, began a decline that has wiped
out it...
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started at 6:30, and by the evening had already begun to expand, finding
plenty of f...
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but I can feel it coming nonetheless. The seasons are subtle things in ...
Tonight Is A(nother) Warning
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Hey, longtime pw readers…
Remember the inane leftist “timb” who used to comment here, and who later
formed a Frisch-like obessession with me? Well, now he derides me on
Instapundit ...
Reality Rules
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you
sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. -- *James 4:8*
I happened to...
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countryside. By “we” I mean there was a car ahead of me, I wasn’t with him,
we were jus...
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The narrative must be protected. Read the Neoreactionary analysis. The
NYT link is embedded there if you want to ch...
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it is...
Not Quite But From a Similar Cloth
*We’re In It Together*
Delivered Sunday April 12, 2015
Ephesians 4:1-6 -
1 I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, ur...
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and the...
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All comments have been disabled. I wish all my readers well. Who knows what
the next four yea...
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will go sa...
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The Age of Outrage: 7 Words x 70
Let's just get this over with, shall we? And trust me, some of these have
been written up by Serious People. Others are just the likely next step in
"Obama is fiddling in Cannes (south of France) while America burns. He is
in Europe insulting allies and hugging Islamic imperialists. Turkey, under
"Friends, raccoon's, countremen, lend me your ears:I've said it before, I'll say it again, if you want to know and/or defend your constitution, your nation, your liberty, follow these links and pass them on! The Founders Constitution, hosted by the by The University of Chicago and the Liberty Fund (which includes the Online Library of Liberty, one of the greatest free libraries, online or otherwise), and if you want to see the constitution for the first time or in a new light, I'm telling ya'll, read it here.
For instance, if you scroll down that contents page a bit, to the Preamble, there are 21 links there, from snippets to full documents, that give the background information and perspective that the Founding Fathers had in their minds regarding the Preamble when they debated, wrote, ratified (usually including the relevant Federalist and anti-Federalist papers, as here, Madison, Brutus & Patrick Henry) and later applied by early presidents and re-examined and explained how it was being implemented and interpreted by those who still understood it (Justice Joseph Story's commentaries on teh constitution are outstanding).
Indexes contains several ways of slicing and dicing the site, such as Index of Authors and Documents, which links or lists key documents by key figures of the times, Index of Cases, which links to passages of key court cases that either established precedents, or from historic judgments which influenced how the first cases were judgedIndex of Constitutional ProvisionsArticle 1, Section 8, Clause 6 which seems to be on Bob F.'s mind, dealing with Counterfeiting coins and securities.Aliens & Citizenship... it is and incredibly valuable resource.Those of you with your own blogs, or email lists, please, especially with the situation we are in today, publish this one, promote it.
If We The People, don't understand what we have, and why... there will be no improvement, as a people, or a nation and I'll garauntee you, reading the linked information will help you to 'Know thyself', because as the Founders knew, to govern at all, you had to first be capable of governing yourself.
And, for you cosmonaughts out there, check out Gagdad Bob's outstanding post with his unique metaphysical focus on Truth, Liberty, Christianity and America at: "America's founders knew that man only derived his value by virtue of his relationship to the Absolute. This is a fine example of how metaphysics -- the eternal science -- is enfolded in religion. For to see -- and it is a seeing, not a mere "knowing" -- that men are endowed by their Creator with life and liberty is to affirm that life and liberty have an absolute and infinite value. They are "unalienable." Anything short of this makes our rights quite alienable indeed, meaning, among other things, that we can surrender them to liberals for cash and other valuable prizes."
Retired, US Navy.
I was Married to a lovely, beautiful, wise, and incredible woman with alot of humor (she had to have humor to marry me)!
We have Two wonderful, grown daughters who make me proud!
And we have One angel of a granddaughter!
Sadly, my wife Patti, my beloved passed away June 5th.
We were married for 33 years and I miss her more than I can say.
But I know we will only be apart for a little while and I'm glad she is no longer in pain.
I was and am so very blessed to have known this incredible lady and I thank God our paths crossed.
I'm a 90 degree Master of the lost and ancient art of Chin-Foo?
If you're interested in learning this lost art e-mail me and I'll gladly consider teaching you.
Only unserious students please. Seriously.