Hello my friends. This will probably be my last blog post here. I have started a new blog at:
It will be different, just as I am now a bit different, but I hope you will like it.
I have much work still to do on it so please bear with me.
Thank you for sticking with me all these years. Your friendship, encouragement, prayers, and help have been a real blessing to me! You all hold a special place in my heart.
God bless you all, and Godspeed! This isn't the end, it's jest a new beginning. :)
Mayhem at Columbia: Pro-Hamas Students Storm Classroom, Target Jewish
Students With Anti-Semitic Flyers on First Day of Spring Semester
Anti-Israel student activists unleashed mayhem at Columbia University on
Tuesday afternoon, which marked the beginning of the spring semester.
Several ke...
3 hours ago